Sonja Bindus

Classical Pedagogy Trainer

B.A., English and Art, Hillsdale College
M.A., Education, Spring Arbor University

Sonja Bindus is a classical pedagogy trainer for the K-12 Education Office. As a classical pedagogy trainer, Sonja leads communities of teachers and helps to build relationships among the national network of classical educators within Hillsdale College Member Schools. She leads professional development sessions, conducts classroom observations, and provides feedback to teachers and school leaders. Prior to joining the K-12 Office, Sonja was the director of Mary Randall Preschool on Hillsdale College's campus. 

What is the most inspiring part of your job?
"Working alongside new teachers is inspiring. The vigor and curiosity they possess in regard to learning their chosen profession are contagious to both their students and me. It is an honor to mentor one of America's greatest treasures, teachers."

Favorite classical quote:
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." —Aristotle