Carrie O'Brien

Assistant Director of Teacher Support

B.A., English, Hillsdale College

Carrie O’Brien is a classical pedagogy trainer for the K-12 Education Office. As a classical pedagogy trainer, Carrie leads communities of teachers and helps to build relationships among the national network of classical educators within Hillsdale College Member Schools.  She leads professional development sessions, conducts classroom observations, and provides feedback to teachers and school leaders. Prior to joining the K-12 Office, Carrie was an upper school math teacher at Founders Classical Academy of Leander in Leander, Texas.

What is the most inspiring part of your job?
"I absolutely love to walk into a classroom where you can see the wonder and joy on the faces of students, whether that be from finding a beautiful pattern in math, reading of characters of great courage and wisdom in literature and history, or even from learning the rich stories of Latin words which have formed much of our language today. We have a great responsibility as teachers, and it brings me great joy to walk alongside our teachers in this important work." 

Favorite classical quote:
“Since it is so likely that they will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.” —C.S. Lewis