Hillsdale College Member Schools

Hillsdale College Member Schools receive curriculum, consultation, and training from the Hillsdale K-12 Education Office. The Hillsdale K-12 Education Office advises Member Schools across the country, all of which were started in consultation with Hillsdale College. Those desiring to receive Member School assistance for a new school should reach out to the K-12 Education Office at [email protected].
Hillsdale College Member Schools are committed to excellence as they follow Hillsdale’s best practices in school leadership, curriculum, classroom instruction, school culture, and board governance, which we see as necessary ingredients for a successful school.
Existing schools wishing to receive Member School benefits should start by applying to use Hillsdale’s K-12 curriculum as a Hillsdale Curriculum School.
All Hillsdale College Member Schools adhere to the 10 Essential Points of Hillsdale Classical Schools.
Hillsdale Member Schools
New Mexico
North Dakota
Hillsdale College Candidate Member Schools
“Hillsdale College Candidate Member Schools” are schools that have been selected by the Hillsdale K-12 Education Office to work toward becoming Member Schools. They are either founding groups in the startup phase (usually in the year prior to opening) or existing schools that would like to use our curriculum, receive support from the Hillsdale K-12 Education Office, and follow our best practices.
New schools generally transition to Member School status after their first year of operation. Existing schools that are accepted as Candidate Member Schools will remain Candidate Schools for at least two years before advancing to Member School status.
Hillsdale Candidate Member Schools:
Hillsdale College Curriculum Schools

The K-12 Program Guide developed by Hillsdale College is made widely available under a licensing agreement to Hillsdale Curriculum Schools. The K-12 Education Office considers Curriculum School requests on a regular basis, and is pleased to license the College’s K-12 curriculum to schools who share the objective of leading students towards intellectual, moral, and civic virtue in a traditional education setting. To apply for a license, email [email protected] for the application form. When granted, curriculum licenses are available free of charge. Hillsdale College Curriculum Schools receive some exclusive access to our resources, but without the full suite of support offered to Member and Candidate Member Schools.
Curriculum Schools can be found on the map above.