Maegen Satcher

Assistant Director of Teacher Support

B.A., Psychology, University of North Florida
M.Ed., Administration and Supervision, Liberty University

Maegen Satcher is a classical pedagogy trainer for the K-12 Education Office. As a classical pedagogy trainer, Maegen leads communities of teachers and helps to build relationships among the national network of classical educators within Hillsdale College Member Schools.  She leads professional development sessions, conducts classroom observations, and provides feedback to teachers and school leaders. Prior to joining the K-12 Office, Maegen was the Dean of Academics at St. Johns Classical Academy in Fleming Island, Florida. She began teaching in 2003 and has taught middle school and elementary grades, with most of her experience coming as a first-grade teacher.

What is the most inspiring part of your job?
“The most inspiring part of my job is watching teachers become masterful in their craft. Specifically, I enjoy watching their love for our literacy curriculum, Literacy Essentials, deepen over time. Students and teachers experience joy and wonder as they learn the orthographic principles, morphology, and etymology of English. Teachers have the opportunity to transform students' lives, minds, and hearts as they become outstanding readers and writers. Seeing the impact our teachers have on students is powerful and fulfilling.”

Favorite classical quote:
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” —Thomas Jefferson